
The process of globalization renders great responsibility on the academic institutions to continuously update and re-design their curricula in every field to equip students to cope with the changing needs of the society. Tremendous developments and inventions in the industry, research and development are taking place at rapid pace. To meet these challenges Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences (AITS), an Autonomous Institute under Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Anantapuramu and University Grants Commission (UGC) revising its curricula continuously.
These revisions are to strengthen infra-structural facilities, motivate the faculty to pursue research and also involve the staff and students in the on-going industry and R&D sponsored projects. This enables the institution to transform young non-professional engineers into highly skilled professional technocrats so as meeting the Institution Vision, Mission and Goals.
In AITS, teaching methodology is totally Student Centered. Our participatory learning process ensures that every student in the class actively participates in the learning process. The institute and faculty guarantee this through adopting greater interactive teaching-learning methods such as class room interaction, group discussions, seminars, presentations etc.,
At AITS, we prepare our students to meet the requirements of the industry. We have designed the knowledge content of the curriculum on par with the best Institutes and Universities of the world. More credence is given to application, with equal provision for a firm theoretical.
The institute initiates leadership in our students through presentation of role models. From time to time, we invite industry leaders, hardcore professionals, leading businessmen and alumni to share their success stories with our students.
We understand that learning should not culminate totally as Semester End Examination. We provide due weight age for Project work Seminars etc. Industrial visits and training is integral to our curriculum, may it be undergraduate or postgraduate courses. Project work that is to be done by all the students is arranged under the supervision of senior professors and experts. This ensures that every student gets the opportunity to experience actual industry processes and work practices.
Roll Number Format
Course Structure & Syllabus
University Handbook
Orientation Program
Guidelines PhD Students