
Mission statement

IEEE’s core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.

Vision statement

IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions

Core values

Trust: being a trusted and unbiased source of technical information, and forums, for technical dialog and collaboration.

Growth and nurturing: encouraging education as a fundamental activity of engineers, scientists, and technologists at all levels and at all times; ensuring a pipeline of students to preserve the profession.

Global community building: cultivating active, vibrant, and honest exchange among cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary global communities of technical professionals.

Partnership: promoting a culture of respect for the employee and volunteer, valuing contributions at all levels of the organization, investing in training and development to enhance capabilities, empowering individuals to make a positive difference, and building a membership organization based on a strong volunteer-staff partnership to serve the profession.

Service to humanity: leveraging science, technology, and engineering to benefit human welfare; promoting public awareness and understanding of the engineering profession.

Integrity in action: fostering a professional climate in which engineers and scientists continue to be respected for their exemplary ethical behaviour and volunteerism.

About Us

IEEE Student Branch is a non-profit organization that promotes the professional development of students through the exploration of technical interests, the acquisition of diverse skills and ideas, and the building of interpersonal relationships between our members and those on this campus and in the community.

Purpose of the Student Branch:

  • The purpose shall be the dissemination of knowledge of the theory and practice of all aspects of all branches of engineering or the related arts and sciences, as well as the furtherance of the professional development of the students.
  • The organization and operation of the Branch shall be in accordance with the Bylaws of the IEEE.

Committee Members

IEEE Student Branch – Committee Members (2024-25)

S.No. Name of the Member Role and Department
1. Dr.M.Subba Rao Dean – Non-Statutory & Professional Bodies
2. Dr. K. Rashmi Member – CIVIL
3. Mr. Subahan Khan Member – Mechanical
4. Dr.Shaik. Karimullah Member -ECE
5. Dr.S.Venkateshwarulu Reddy Member – EEE
6. Mrs. Chengamma Member – CSE
7. Mr.B. Panduranga Raju Member- AIDS
8. Mrs. Swarna Surekha Member-AIML
9. Dr. Fahimuddin Shaik Coordinator- IEEE SB


The following are some of the activities conducted by the IEEE Student Branch:

  • Scheduling speakers on technical and professional subjects, including guest lectures and workshops
  • Entering design competitions
  • Engaging in engineering awareness programs
  • Participating in IEEE conferences
  • Collaborating with other IEEE Student Branches
  • Organizing field trips to industry sites
  • Providing tutorials for non-members and conducting membership drives
  • Raising funds for charitable causes and Student Branch projects
  • Publishing a Student Branch newsletter
Name of the Activity/Event No. of Participants Name of the Resource Person / Participants with Affiliation Date of the Event
Essay Writing Competition on The Role of AI in India’s Technological Advancement 24 IEEE Student Branch volunteers 08.08.2024
Elocution Competition on Recent Trends in Machine Learning in Electronics 18 IEEE Student Branch volunteers 07.08.2024
An awareness program on IEEE membership and its benefits 60 IEEE SB Coordinator and Departmental Coordinators, Annamacharya University 12.07.2024

IEEE Membership Benefits

1. Connect With IEEE. Anytime. Anywhere. With IEEE App
  1. Stay up-to-date with the latest news from IEEE. Schedule, manage or join your own “informal” meetups. Locate and communicate with other IEEE colleagues nearby. IEEE connects you to people, products, services, and events at your fingertips anytime, anywhere.
  2. The new IEEE Event Finder mobile app lets you search for an event not only by its name but also by city, state, or province; by IEEE region, section, or chapter; or by the IEEE Society or council sponsoring it.
2. CAREER RESOURCES -IEEE Free eBook for members

The free eBook is available monthly. Sign in with your IEEE Web Account, add the book to your cart, and use promo code received in mail regularly at checkout.

3. Access Your IEEE Member Directory- IEEE Collabratec®

Networking. It’s all about who you know and the IEEE Member Directory puts you in touch with more than 300,000 IEEE members around the world. An exclusive member benefit, the IEEE Member Directory is visible to active IEEE Members through IEEE Collabratec®. Utilize the IEEE Member Directory to:

Connect with members in your Section, technical Society, or field of interest.

  • Find a verified IEEE member, accessible only in IEEE
  • Find a senior member to serve as a professional reference for your Senior member
4. Establish a Mentoring Relationship

Are you an experienced professional in the field of engineering looking to share your knowledge and experience? Are you in need of advice, seeking guidance on starting your career, planning a career change, or building technical skills? The IEEE Mentoring Program is a partnering experience matching mentors and mentees.

Getting Started
The program is available to all IEEE members and Society Affiliates. Both mentors and mentees can participate in the program by visiting IEEE Collabratec®. Mentors should select “Opportunities” from the menu and opt in from the “Settings” tab. Mentees can find a mentor by selecting “People” from the menu, and use the available filters to narrow your search.

Fostering a Productive Relationship
Once a mentorship match is made, a private group is created so the pair can set goals for the relationship. The partners are encouraged to work together on a plan to accomplish these goals and develop a timeline for them. It is also important for the pair to agree up front on the amount of time and commitment each person should expect from the other.

5. IEEE Member Discounts
IEEE members can access more savings in more places for home and office – including group discounts on insurance, travel, home/office and technology needs. While you focus on your career, we’ll take care of saving you money. See vendor details for terms, conditions and availability.

IEEE.tv is an internet based television network made possible by the members of IEEE.IEEE.tv produces and delivers special-interest programming about technology IEEE members log in to access special members-only programs and site features including downloads and transcripts.


The IEEE Public Visibility Initiative continues its efforts to increase worldwide recognition of the IEEE brand and its members. This initiative is intended to foster awareness of members’ ongoing contributions to society for the benefit of humanity, and to elevate these IEEE members to their peers and the general public.

8. Print Your IEEE Member Certificate

 Display your membership proudly, with your own IEEE Membership certificate. Every active member  has  access  to  this  for  the  current  membership  year.  The  link  is  located

in IEEECollabratec. After signing in, and clicking on your profile image in the upper right hand corner, you will find the Member Certificate link. A color certificate, that features your name, grade and year, will automatically be generated and ready to print.

9. Earn Rewards for Referring New Members

Join the IEEE Member-Get-A-Member program and you can earn rewards for every new member that joins IEEE. As result of your efforts, earn up to US$90 off member dues, IEEESociety fees or the purchase of books and publications. You can also help your local IEEEorganizational unit (Section, Student Branch, etc.) earn money too. This is a prime opportunity to share the value of IEEE Membership with your friends and colleagues.

10. IEEE Tech Insider Webinars
  1. Learn from industry experts about latest technology advances via our free Tech Insider Webinars. This page lists upcoming and available ‘on demand’ Tech Insider webinars. All the live webinars are archived and are available on demand for 12 months. IEEE members can also earn PDH certificates for each webinar.
  2. IEEE-USA Webinars are designed to help you find your next job, maintain your career, negotiate an appropriate salary, understand ethical considerations in the workplace and learn about other career-building strategies.

In four easy steps, you can attend one of IEEE-USA’s free, live Webinars:

  1. Search our listing of future Webinars
  2. Register online
  3. Receive an email from the Webinar team with sign-on info
  4. Sign on and learn!
11. IEEE Resume Lab

IEEE ResumeLab is an online service that allows IEEE members to develop a resume or curriculum vitae using a wide array of resume templates. Members can also perform mock interviews using over 900 potential interview questions or develop letters, portfolios, and skills assessments to use during the interview process. Best of all, the information developed on IEEE ResumeLab is easily shared with potential employers, mentors, or colleagues via a personalized website.

12. IEEE Email Alias: yourname@ieee.org

Did you know that you can set up your own @ieee.org email address? After you create your alias, activate your IEEE-branded Gmail account or set up mail forwarding services. In addition, you will have access to Google Drive, advertisement free Gmail, 30 gigabytes of shared storage, and 99.9% up time guaranteed by Google.

And Many More…………. Courtesy : www.ieee.org

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