Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) - Head of Department
Head of Department

Dr. P.Phanindra Kumar Reddy
mobile:+91 8712314387
Data Structures through Python, Programming in C & Data Structures, Information Security, Advanced Computer Architecture, Web Technologies, Mobile Computing, Computer Graphics, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Object oriented Programming through Java – Teaching at UG and PG Level.
Head of Department
Dr. P.Phanindra Kumar Reddy
Objective: To bring Excellence in Technical Education through Computer Science and Engineering by contributing to Teaching.
2020 | Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering from Sri Satya Sai University of Technology & Medical Sciences, Bhopal, MP,India. | |
2006-2008 | Master’s Degree (M.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering from , Jawaharlal Technological university, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh ,India. | |
2002-2006 | Bachelor Degree (B.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering from Jawaharlal Technological university, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. | |
2008-TILL DATE | Started as an Assistant Professor now Working as An Assoc. Professor in Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Rajampet, Andhra Pradesh, India. Faculty: Data Structures through Python, Programming in C & Data Structures, Information Security, Advanced Computer Architecture, Web Technologies, Mobile Computing, Computer Graphics, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Object oriented Programming through Java – Teaching at UG and PG Level. Responsibilities: . · Technical Seminar In charge for both UG and PG level. · Coordinator for Department Accreditations(NBA & NACC) · Guest Lecturers Given for UG (B.Tech) students in various Colleges · Conducted many internal FDP and Work Shops for Teaching and Non-teaching Staff. · PG & UG level Projects Coordinator · Students Counseling System Coordinator · Member of Association of Computing Science (ACS) , a Department Association. · Prepared Computer Graphics Curriculum and Lab Manuals. · Class teacher for FINAL Year B.Tech Students · Acted as Board of Studies Member in AITS, Rajampet. | |
Conducted Information Security Workshop organized by IIT Bombay | ||
· Organized a number of events in the Department of CSE for | ||
faculty members and also for students under ACS(Association of Computing Science). · Coordinating a Student Technical Forum called CSE Association in the departments of CSE at Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences. Rajampet, AP. · Acting as Editorial Member for Portraits, Institution news magazine from CSE Department. | ||
As Co-coordinator: · Organized one day National Level Students Symposium ATM- 13 in the Department on 9th March, 2013. · Organized one day National Level Students Symposium ATM- 12 in the Department on 4th –March 2012 · Organized one day National Level Students Symposium ATM- 11 in the Department on 6th –Feb-2011. · Organized one day National Level Students Symposium ATM- 10 in the Department on March 21, 2010. · Organized one day National Level Students Symposium ATM- 2K9 in the Department on February 27, 2009. As Member: · Organized AICTE Sponsored National Level Conference on “High Performance Computing and Networking” on 13th&14th–August 2011. | ||
1. P.Phanindra Kumar Reddy has published a paper International Journal of Engineering & Techniques titled “Light weight 3-factor authentication & Key agreement protocol for internet integrated WSN” with ISSN NO. 2395-1303, 2018. 2. P.Phanindra Kumar Reddy has published a paper International Journal of advanced research in science & engineering titled “Detecting failure nodes in mobile wireless networks: A Probabilistic Approach” with ISSN NO. 2319-8346, 2018. 3. P.Phanindra Kumar Reddy has published a paper International Journal of Engineering & Technology titled “Identifying the node presence mobile wireless network to provide location based services” with ISSN NO. 2227-524X, 2018. 4. P.Phanindra Kumar Reddy has published a paper Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Volume 11 | 05-Special Issue titled “Identifying and constructing an indoor Location Based Service” with ISSN NO. 1943-023X, 2019. 5. P.Phanindra Kumar Reddy has published a paper Journal of Engineering Sciences titled “On the efficiency of vehicular connectivity privacy metrics” with ISSN NO. 0377-9254, 2020. 6. P.Phanindra Kumar Reddy has published a paper Journal of Engineering Sciences titled “Indoor Navigation System based on vision for smartphones” with ISSN NO. 0377-9254, 2020. 7. P.Phanindra Kumar Reddy has published a paper Journal of Information and Computational Science titled “An Ensemble based approach for Node Failure Detection in Mobile Wireless Networks” with ISSN NO. 1548-7741, 2020. 8. P.Phanindra Kumar Reddy has published a paper International Journal of innovative research in Science and Engineering titled “Comparison of Performance of a position based routing protocol for VANET” with ISSN NO. 1548-7741, 2021. 9. P.Phanindra Kumar Reddy has published a paper Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology titled “Identification and Classification of Pneumonia in Chest X-Ray Images Using Deep Learning Techniques ” with eISSN: 2281-4876, 2022. 10. P.Phanindra Kumar Reddy has published a paper Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology titled “Canny Edge Detection Algorithm for Consistency Based Smart Traffic Signal in a Smart City” with eISSN: 2281-4876, 2022. | ||
Personal Details | Dr. P.Phanindra Kumar Reddy mobile:+91-8712314387 Objective: To bring Excellence in Technical Education through Computer Science and Engineering by contributing to Teaching. Nationality: Indian-Hindu Languages: Fluent in English, Telugu & Hindi Mobile Number:+91 8712314387 Email: Address: Dr. P Phanindra Kumar Reddy Assoc. Professor & HoD, AI & DS Department, Annamacharya University, New Boyanapalli, Rajampet, Kadapa Dist., Andhra Pradesh-516126 |