Electronics & Communication Engineering - Course Coordinators
Academic Year 2024-25 I Semester | ||
S. No | Name of the Course | Name of the Course Coordinator |
1 | Electronic Devices and Circuits | Mr. P. Ramesh Babu |
2 | Digital Circuits Design | Mr. P. Hari Obulesu |
3 | Signal, Systems and Stochastic Process | Dr. G. Thirumalaiah |
4 | VLSI Design | Mrs. Y. Sunanda |
5 | Control Systems | Mr. M. Ravi Kishore |
6 | Microprocessor and Interfacing | Mr. R. Mahesh Kumar |
7 | Nano Electronics | Dr. S. Fayaz Begum |
8 | Introduction to Communication Systems | Dr. K. Prasad |
9 | Satellite Communications | Mrs. L. Siva Yamini |
10 | Digital Image Processing | Mrs. M. Tejaswi |
11 | Wireless Communications & Networks | Dr. K. Riyazuddin |
12 | Cellular and Mobile Communications | Dr. C. Venkatesh |
Academic Year 2024-25 II Semester | ||
S. No | Name of the Course | Name of the Course Coordinator |
1 | Fundamentals of Electronic Devices and Circuits | Mr. K. Chandra Hasa Reddy |
2 | Electronic Devices and Circuits | Mr. B. Umakanth |
3 | Linear Control Systems | Mrs. M. Tejaswi |
4 | EM Waves and Transmission Lines | Mr. P. Hari Obulesu |
5 | Electronic Circuit Analysis | Mr. K. Naga Narasaiah Goud |
6 | Analog and Digital Communications | Mr. S. MD Fayaz Basha |
7 | Design Thinking and Innovation | Dr. S. Kareemullah |
8 | PCB Design | Mr. M. Hanumanthu |
9 | Embedded Systems | Mr. Y. Pavan Kumar Reddy |
10 | Microwave Engineering | Mrs. J. Himabindu |
11 | Digital Signal Processing | Mr. M. Ravi Kishore |
12 | Radar Engineering | Dr. K. Shankar |