Electronics & Communication Engineering - Department Library
Department Library
The Department Library, located on the 3rd floor of the P.G Block, spans an area of 50 square meters and offers seating for up to 20 members. It boasts a specialized collection of books, journals, and other resources in Engineering and Technology, including e-books, book volumes, and CDs/DVDs.

Number of Titles | 407 |
Number of Volumes | 413 |
Number of International Journals | 126 |
Student Project Books | 223 |
Rules and Regulations
- Book Borrowing/Circulation policy will help and support to the library users for their academic and teaching learning activities with friendly environment.
- Circulation counter is open at 09.15 A.M. and closed on 06.00 P.M. in all working days.
- No counter operations on Sundays, 2nd Saturdays and Public Holidays.
- Reference Books, News Papers, Magazines, Journals and Back Volumes should not be taken out.
- Project reports and CD/DVD’S are not for lending.
- Books will be issued subject to availability.
- More than one renewal is not permitted.
- No.of books issued for Faculty Members : 8 Books
- No.of books issued for M.Tech Students : 4 Books
- No.of books issued for Research Scholars : 5 Books
- If the book due date falls on holiday of the library, the next working day will be taken as the due date.
- The borrower is responsible for any loss or non – return of any books issued against his/her original (or) duplicate card.
- Over – due date charges will be collected from the students and research scholars the books are not returned by them on due date.
- Faculty members are permitted to barrow the books for a semester
Working Hours
- Library working hours 9.15 am to 5.15 pm on all working days.
- Circulation Counter Operations: 9.30 am to 5.30 pm on all working days.
- On Sundays, 2nd Saturdays and public holidays: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm.
- No counter operations on Sundays, 2nd Saturdays and public holidays.
P.Ramesh Babu, Assistant Professor, Dept.of ECE,
Mobile No: 9948474530