Mission statement
ISTE’s mission is to empower educators to reimagine and redesign learning through impactful pedagogy and meaningful technology use
Vision statement
The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) has a vision to empower educators to use technology to inspire learners and accelerate innovation in teaching and learning
Core values
The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) has several core values, including:
- Commitment:ISTE is dedicated to making a difference and continuously improving itself and its members
- Learning:ISTE members are enthusiastic, lifelong learners who believe in the value of diverse perspectives
- Caring: ISTE members are caring and strive to do the right thing and do it well
About Us
The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is the leading National Professional non-profit making Society for the Technical Education System in our country with the motto of Career Development of Teachers and Personality Development of Students and overall development of our Technical Education System. Being the only national organisation of educators in the field of Engineering and Technology, ISTE effectively contributes in various missions of the Union Government. The strength of ISTE is the strong base it has in technical education institutions in the country.
ISTE has an Executive Council at National level. It has active membership of more than 128500 technical teachers, 535000 student members, more than 2740 institutional members (including IITs, IISc., NITs and other leading technical institutions), 1414 faculty chapters and 1505 students’ chapters at National level and 19 Sections at State Level .
The major objective of the ISTE is to provide quality training programmes to teachers and administrators of technical institutions to update their knowledge and skills in their fields of activity and to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industry and other organisations.
It organizes an annual convention for faculty and students separately every year where a large number of technocrats, technical teachers, policy makers, experts from the industry etc. participate and interact. Every year a National Seminar with a specific theme with respect to the latest development in the field of Science and Technology and societal problems is being arranged during the Annual convention and leading luminaries of technical education are invited to deliver special lectures and delegates will present research papers. ISTE is actively involved in many activities conducted by All India Council for Technical Education New Delhi (AICTE) and National Board of Accreditation New Delhi (NBA). ISTE is having collaboration and MoUs with government organisations and various Universities for the promotion of technical education system in the country.
ISTE Objectives:
The major objectives of the ISTE are:
- Providing quality training programmes to teachers and administrators of technical institutions to update their knowledge and skills in their fields of activity.
- To assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industry and other organisations.
- Providing guidance and training to students to develop better learning skills and personality.
Purpose of the Student Chapter:
- The purpose shall be the dissemination of knowledge of the theory and practice of all aspects of all branches of engineering or the related arts and sciences, as well as the furtherance of the professional development of the students.
- The organization and operation of the Branch shall be in accordance with the Bylaws of the ISTE.
Committee Members
ISTE Student Chapter – Committee Members (2024-25)
S.No | Name of the Member | Role and Department | Phone number |
1) | Dr.M.Subba Rao | Dean – Non-Statutory & Professional Bodies | 9848885492 |
2) | Dr. K Riyazuddin | Coordinator- ISTE SC | 9885648459 |
3) | Dr N R Gowthami | Member – CIVIL | 8985515900 |
4) | S MD Saleemuddin | Member – Mechanical | 9000875571 |
5) | Dr.S.Venkateshwarulu Reddy | Member – EEE | 7010256116 |
6) | Dr.G Tirumalaiah | Member -ECE | 8978348939 |
7) | Mr Chandra Mouli | Member – CSE | 9640846838 |
8) | Mr.B. Panduranga Raju | Member- AIDS | 6302948485 |
Name of the Activity/Event | No. Of Participants | Name of the Resource Person/ Participants with affiliation | Date of the Event |
Analog electronics lab using Virtual labs | 27 | IV B.Tech ECE | 12.08.2024 |

Faculty explaining the importance of Virtual labs

Students interacting with faculty
Incentives to ISTE Student Chapters
- Best Students Chapter Award All Students Chapters Managing Committees are requested to kindly select one best student from their Student Chapter on the basis of overall performance of the student members. The name of student selected may please be sent to their Section. The ISTE Section will give the Best Student Award to the Students during the Section Level Convention. Student Chapters are kindly requested to get in touch with their Section regarding date, time and venue of the Convention.
- Annual Convention of ISTE Student Members
- Quiz programmes
- Cultural programmes
- Exhibition of project work.
-MBA /M Tech. Students 2 yrs PG course | Rs. 150 + 27 = Rs. 177/- per student |
-MCA Students 3yrs PG course | Rs. 200 + 36 = Rs. 236/- per student |
-3 yrs Diploma in Engg. & Tech (Polytechnic) | Rs. 200 + 36 = Rs. 236/- per student |
-BE/B.TECH/B. Pharma/HMCT(4Yrs) | Rs. 250 + 45 = Rs. 295/- per student |
-Student Membership Fee B.Arch. (5 yrs) | Rs. 300 + 54 = Rs. 354/- per student |
From January 2022, ISTE has launched Online Portal for all membership related work viz. new application for Institutional Membership, Life Membership, Student Membership and payment of fee via the same ONLINE PORTAL. All the recognised Technical Institutions/Institutional Members of ISTE/AICTE approved engineering colleges (degree & diploma)/Polytechnics/Life Members of ISTE requested to kindly utilize this Online Web Portal https://membership.isteonline.in/ for applying and making payments as no manual form or DD will be accepted.