Annamacharya University Research Admission Test will be conducted for admitting to various Ph.D Programme in Annamacharya University for the academic year 2024-24 at Rajampet. The duration of exam will be 2 hours. Questions will be multiple choice and fill in the blanks.
One mark for right and zero mark for wrong answer.

The candidates have to write:
  • Section-A: Research Methodology for 25 marks
  • Section-B: Respective subject for 75 marks
The date of test will be notified shortly through website. The syllabus for the test can be viewed from the respective link in the following table.
S.No. Test Code Test Subject Link
1 00 Research Methodology & Aptitude VIEW
1 01 Civil Engineering VIEW
2 02 Electrical and Electronics Engineering VIEW
3 03 Mechanical Engineering VIEW
4 04 Electronics and Communication Engineering VIEW
5 05 Computer Science and Engineering VIEW
6 06 English VIEW
7 07 Mathematics VIEW
8 08 Physics VIEW
9 09 Chemistry VIEW
10 10 Management Programme VIEW
11 11 Computer Science & Applications VIEW
12 12 Education VIEW